It's back to school and a few weeks ago, Alia's school had a welcoming picnic. She "graduated" from her Tadpoles class to the 3-4 year olds Seahorse class this year. It's nice to see some continuity of her and her friends moving from one class to another. She's gotten quite attached to some of her first classmates and made some real friends. For example, her best friend Abby (seen below hugging her and going down the slide). They're super tight which I can't believe can happen at such a young age. I've seen how I can't just throw Alia in with a group of kids anymore and just expect her to play and act the same. She's developed her own real friendships.
The picnic also had a soccer activity which they also provide at school, called Soccer Shots. I got to see her play soccer for the first time which was neat. The picnic went from 4-6pm and Tim picked up Kian from daycare at the tail end so he joined in for some of the fun too. See how he's always smiling in all the pics? He's just a happy boy all around and really loves hamming it up.
Alia's best friend, Abby |
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