Tuesday, October 18, 2011


That's Hand Food Mouth Disease for those of you who don't know. Yep, we've been bestowed the honor of yet ANOTHER nasty bug in our household. Starring of course Alia Hsu. A few kids in her school got it last week and we were praying she wouldn't but of course that would cause our running streak of diseases to break which is obviously not in the plans for our family. So far it's only Alia. For those of you who don't know, here's some info from Babycenter:

"If your toddler contracts HFMD, he'll first have a mild fever. You may notice that his appetite isn't what it usually is. He may also have a sore throat and feel lousy in general.

A day or two after the fever starts, your toddler will develop painful sores in his mouth — on his tongue, gums, or the inside of his cheeks. This will likely make him irritable.

Your child may also develop a rash on the palms of his hands, the soles of his feet, and maybe his buttocks. The rash, which isn't itchy, starts out as small, flat, red dots that may turn into bumps or blisters."

We have all of the above with Alia AND it's also developed in her diaper area, as a nasty red rash. She's totally irritable and eating nothing but popsicles and waking up at all hours crying in pain. On top of that we have to keep her out of school. I am just praying that each day passes quickly and that Kian doesn't get it. Apparently, adults can get it too although it's less common. The good news is that it's relatively non-serious and should resolve in about a week. It's a virus so nothing but pain reliever and time will heal it.

Here's a lovely photo taken from the web (NOT of Alia). Just wanted to show how it looks. Believe me this is one of the milder photos out there.

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