Thursday, July 21, 2011

4th of July Ice Cream Social at the Pardee Museum

On the actual day of 4th of July we went to the Pardee Museum Ice Cream Social in Oakland, an event held in a historic museum. The premise is that it's an old-fashioned ice cream event celebrating Independence Day as they used to in the 1800's.

We went there last year with my sister and her kids who were visiting and had a blast because the kids got to crank the ice cream which was made from scratch and there was also a kid's craft table.

Another plus is for a small fee, they provide an all you can eat bbq (burgers, dogs, beans, corn, coleslaw, cookies, cupcakes, brownies, and watermelon).

There's also old-fashioned singing from people who look like they are from the 1920's.

To our disappointment, this year they handed out Haagen Daz ice cream (no hand-cranking) and there was no kid's table! The bbq and singing was still on but they didn't have a costume contest like last year.

On the plus side, there was croquet and last year, Alia was too young to participate. This year, she was able to "play" croquet with Tim, and had a blast doing so.

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