Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vegetable Garden - 6 weeks later

A few weeks ago, Grandpa Hsu came to visit and planted Alia her very first vegetable garden. Alia and I have been watering it without fail each day (it's the first thing she wants to do when she gets home from school) and look at how it's grown! The basil is about a foot tall now and the tomato plants (the wooden planter behind Alia) are now several feet tall and sprouting real tomatoes! Everything else is growing beautifully too. One thing we had to do was get rid of the two flower plants we had, they were crowding the growth of the vegetables. Once we did that, the vegetable garden really took off. Thanks Grandpa! Aren't you proud we didn't kill the plants? =P

Before; the plants were just a few inches off the ground

And voila! 6 weeks later, with some TLC, water and sun, a burgeoning garden arises!

Red chili peppers, if you look very very close you will see one starting to sprout in the middle towards the right side (still green at this time)

Basil; which I can only think to use up by making pesto

Lotsa lotsa thyme, which you can hang dry upside down to use year round

Rosemary; great on chicken and potatoes..yum and also good for drying.

Red cherry tomatoes!

yellow mini teardrop tomatoes!

We got so excited by the garden we're also growing our own romaine lettuce. We've already chopped a whole head! This is the regrowth a second time around.

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