Sunday, June 10, 2012

Random videos of Kian

Kian is 14 months and growing like a weed. His last doctor's appointment had him at 24 lbs and although that seems heavy he is tracking 50% and a little bit higher than that for height. He started walking a couple weeks ago and says a few words. His favorite phrase "all done" as well as milk, more more, car, ball, book, blankie, mama, a-dada (Tim).

He's learned a few tricks. A funny one is "downward dog" a yoga move where he gets his head down. He likes to throw his hands up in the air when you say hands up. Can touch certain parts of your face if you ask. and loves to bang things around.  He's such a guy in so many ways - he loves wheels, watching things in motion, throwing things and watching them fall. Alia was not as much into that. You can see him thinking of how things work when he plays and the mechanics and motion of it.

I read somewhere that baby boys are fascinated by motion more than baby girls and it's definitely been the case with us. Another thing about Kian is that he's much more of a scaredy-cat than Alia was. He's scared of loud noises, elevators, hates the feeling of sand. And he's a total mama's boy. He cries instantly when I leave or when Tim tries to hold him instead of me. He loves to be cuddled and held. I guess that about sums up all men. Haha.


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