The thing about Alia is that she gets extremely scared/shy in new, unexpected places. I had a feeling she would freak out on stage. And I was right. As soon as she saw me, she burst into tears and kept calling out for me. She was the only kid that had to be whisked off the stage! I felt bad for her but a part of me doesn't understand why she can be so outgoing and friendly on one hand, and so attached on the other. She's really a mommy's girl now - my theory is that ever since Kian was born, she's been even more so. I think it can be typical of kids this age, she's almost 3 and has had a lot of changes this past year.
Anyways, enjoy her singing off the stage. I hope one day she can sing as unabashed as she does at home. See video of that below the Winter Welcome one.
Aww...poor Alia. It's scary being on stage!