Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First School Halloween Parade

The morning of Halloween was Alia's first school Halloween parade. I got up extra early (I usually am not the one to do the drop off) but I wanted to be there to take photos. Like with all new things, even though she was in school, Alia didn't want to go to the parade and clung to me crying. I had to end up hiding so her teacher could calm her down. She LOVES school and her friends, but she can also swing from being super independent to clingy and mommy's girl at the drop of a hat. I'm stil trying to figure it all out but my conclusion so far is that she is stuck in between. Imagine at 2.75 years old how it must feel - wanting to be a big girl but also not ready to be let go as a "baby."

Anyways, once I hid and she calmed down, I was able to join her a bit later and all was okay as if nothing happened. I know there will be many many more Halloween parades and one day instead of thinking "why can't she go off on her own and join the parade?" I'll be thinking the opposite and wanting her by me all the time.

Isn't her classroom cute? They are called the Tadpoles.

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